
Web edition of 2AM News Digest.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

2AM News: The week in review Feb.06-12

Self defense stories from Wisconsin, Indiana, Alaska, Illinois, Georgia, Oklahoma, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Georgia ... legislative wrangling and 'debate' on conceal carry in Utah, Law enforcement resists 'Stand Your Ground' Motion in NH (the 'live free or die' state), in Missouri bills seek to expand 'deadly force', and JPFO alerts us to upcoming Congressional hearings on the BATFE, while in the UK, the gov't offers an amnesty ... for turning in your KNIVES.

Excellent commentaries this week from Nicki Fellenzer ('The latest "study" on gun owners') also don't miss the interview with Nicki 'Take mystery out of guns for safety'... Michael Cook's warning 'Anti-gunners still at it -- keep watch! ', Dimitri Vassilaros on the 'First duty is to yourself'.

Two new actions this week ... a Petition to Free Cory Maye and David Codrea's 'The Million Moon March'.

Til next week

Mary Lou

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